Sage Geosystems: Pioneering Geothermal Energy Storage Solutions – A Spotlight at COP28

In the midst of COP28, Sage Geosystems stands out with our award-winning geothermal and energy storage solutions. Recognized as ‘Startup of the Year’ at PIVOT 2023, we’re driving the energy transition forward.

Our CEO, Cindy D. Taff, represents our vision at COP28, advocating for ambitious yet achievable climate goals. Transitioning to cleaner energy is a marathon, not a sprint, and we’re in it for the long haul.

Cindy reminds us that ambitious climate goals are essential. They propel us forward, even if we face challenges along the way. It’s about striving for progress, not perfection.

At Sage Geosystems, we understand that transitioning to cleaner energy is not just about quick fixes—it’s about building robust hardware solutions that stand the test of time. Wind and solar have paved the way, and now, with our geothermal baseload energy and energy storage, we’re tackling the issue of intermittency head-on.

We’re thrilled to be progressing in our Series A funding for our first U.S. power plant, with a lead investor on board. Follow us as we pave the way to a sustainable energy future.

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